A Doctor, Certified Grief Educator, EFT Practitioner, Coach in the space of Energy healing.

Magnified Healing® - Light Healing

Magnified Healing® is a fifth dimensional high frequency light which is a gift from the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE given through the inspiration of the Holy spirit through guidance of Master Lady Kwan Yin and wisdom of Archangel Melchizedek. We have been given access to this sacred knowledge and technique at this time on planet Earth for our spiritual advancement and growth. Magnified Healing® is an integrated modality, a soft and gentle energy, an ascension tool that is seeker focussed instead of being healer focussed. It is easy to learn and practice and all one needs is willingness to stay open and hold it in the highest sacred order once initiated into it.

To know more about Magnified Healing® : Click Here

The Light Healing is used for reprogramming of physical bodies and all subtle bodies and become a spiritual body of Light. It works at the level of DNA and RNA by activating, recoding, transmuting and reconstituting it using high frequency light beams.
This healing modality can be used in genetic diseases, contagious diseases, neurological and neurogenerative disorders, tumours, chronic ailments and diseases that have not yet been fully cured with available medical treatments and remedies, earth healing and healing in absentia. By clearing deep patterns that exist in our subtle bodies at multiple levels this technique is highly effective in self-healing and those of others.

Dr. Geetanjali Chauhan got initiated into Magnified Healing® in the year 2019 and after being with this healing modality for more than five years and practicing it to self-heal, she began to support her patients in need of physical healing and presenting with chronic ailments and recurrent issues. Encouraged by the results and experiences she further deepened her knowledge and practice of this modality. She is a Light Healing (Phase 3) practitioner and currently works with it on specific parts and systems of the body that require healing and believes that a combination of allopathic and alternative healing treatments is particularly effective to return the body to its highest possible state of perfection along with the person’s own intuitive guidance and soul plan.